




MCAD offers shared furnished apartment units—not crowded dorms—that have full kitchens, 睡觉的区域, 浴室, 还有存储空间. 住在校园里会让你处于我们大学社区的中心, 你去哪里比较方便 餐厅以及校园设施,大部分都是24/7开放的.

MCAD student housing is competitively priced compared to off-campus housing. Plus you'll have smaller deposits and no commuting expenses or utilities to pay. 住校助理提供支持、建议和推荐.

MCAD has a Two-Year Residency Requirement and all full-time first-year and sophomore undergraduates are required to live on campus in MCAD Student 住房. 

Exemptions to the required residency policy may be requested and will be reviewed by the committee. Exemption requests that may be considered are a documented medical condition, signed by a medical professional; cultural or religious; married; is a custodial parent or has caregiver responsibilities; age 21 or older in first or second year of undergraduate program; is a junior or senior at MCAD. 

“我很喜欢住在宿舍里. 这和我见过的普通宿舍不一样. 我也喜欢那里的私人淋浴, 这样你就不用带着洗澡童离开房间了.——安娜贝尔,欧洲杯外围竞猜


Seven on-campus buildings offer apartments for undergraduate students and international MFA students. All buildings have self-locking entries, no-cost laundry facilities, and locked mailboxes.


  • 宽带互联网接入
  • 浴帘
  • 窗口颜色
  • 冰箱
  • 烤箱和灶台
  • 每位住院医师梳妆台
  • 厨房桌椅
  • 船长的床,下面还有梳妆台
  • 每个学生的躺椅
  • 桌子和可调节的任务椅为每个学生
  • 落地灯(当没有吸顶灯时)


  • 公寓和室友选择:如果可能的话, housing and roommate assignments will be made on the preferences stated in your housing application. 特定室友的请求必须由两个室友提出. 
  • MCAD 住房 Gender Policy: MCAD strives to provide safe living spaces for all students and to be inclusive of all genders, 性别认同和性别表达. 而所有的MCAD住宅楼都是男女混合的, it is the college’s standard procedure to provide students with same-sex housing assignments within each apartment. MCAD承认, 然而, the need to consider requests for exceptions to this procedure to accommodate gender-diverse students. Students have the opportunity to disclose their gender identity on their housing application; those who identify as gender diverse may indicate their preference of the gender of their roommates. All disclosed information is kept confidential except for those who need such information for housing assignments. 学生可以要求特定的人作为室友. Gender-diverse students who do not specify roommates will be assigned with students who identify as a GLBTQ ally. 
  • 住在MCAD公寓的学生需要购买一份 余额递减餐卡 每学期,提供方便的方式支付餐费.
  • MCAD不为学生提供校内停车场. 有限的路边停车位可供 蜂巢 居民.
  • 宠物:不允许宠物进入MCAD宿舍.
  • Security: 校园安全 Services 
are on duty twenty-four hours a day all year.

我们公寓的风格给我们一种秘密花园的感觉. 这是一个有藤蔓的安静空间, 迪斯科球, 字符串灯, 还有蝴蝶——但它也有一些愚蠢的元素, 哪个更有家的感觉.


学生宿舍照片- Lesley McGaster

My favorite part of living on campus is the accessibility to open outdoor space. 我个人喜欢大自然,喜欢坐在户外散步.


Lesley McGaster, 欧洲杯外围竞猜

My favorite part of living on campus is having easier access to the main building and morrison. 能够跑到打印机那里, hop into studios whenever I need to work somewhere else at night whenever art takes me into the late hours.


学生宿舍照片- Ari Orsino

Three items I say that encompass my style is my record collection– they are very important to me and I think my favorite is my Blue Oyster Cult Agents of Fortune that belonged to my mom who inspired me to start my collection. The second would be my 1980s Ghostbusters wall telephone that I won in my first estate sale auction. 我是一个80年代的书呆子,这是我收藏的骄傲和快乐. The third in my collection is my Peanuts Tackle Box I got while thrifting that now holds some of my pens and pencils for when I am working at my desk on my comics.



MCAD位于惠蒂尔附近 明尼阿波里斯市. 就在市中心以南一英里处, 惠蒂尔 contains a number of popular landmarks such as the 明尼阿波里斯市 Institute of Art, 儿童剧团, 和美食街. This area contains a rich concentration of artists, musicians, foodies, and cultural diversity.

惠蒂尔有很多不错的校外住宿选择. 如果你 骑自行车、开车或利用公共交通工具,你的住房选择将进一步扩大.


Begin your search early—preferably 60 days prior to the desired lease start date. 你给自己的时间就越多, the better the chance you have of finding a place that is suitable and affordable.



MCAD在读学生, 摩根摩恩, went out of their way to create this great document with tips for fellow students who are searching for housing in the neighborhood. 这篇文章最初是在2020年5月18日通过脸谱网分享的. 我们已将其转换为PDF文档,以便于查看.


MCAD校区位于明尼阿波利斯的惠蒂尔社区. 以下是MCAD校园附近的社区列表:


  • 55403
  • 55404 (MCAD的区域设置)
  • 55405
  • 55407
  • 55408


One of the best search techniques is looking for physical "Available for 租金" signs in your desired neighborhood. Some of the best apartments in the area pass from person to person with little-to-no advertising, so asking friends and neighbors if they know of availabilities is a good idea.


  • 租金
    • 独居通常比合租要贵.
    • Utilities, including heat, electricity, and internet, may not be included in the price of rent.
  • 位置
    • How much time and money will you spend getting to and from school, grocery stores, and work?
    • 这个社区/街道/单位看起来安全吗?
  • 租期
    • One year is typical, but six-month and month-to-month leases are also offered on occasion.
  • 机组状况
    • Check cleanliness, appliances, water pressure, fixtures, locks, lighting, outlets, and laundry.
  • 安全
    MCAD的校园和惠蒂尔社区通常是相当安全的. 也就是说,有一些方法可以主动避免不安全的情况:
    • 考虑一下大楼的安全问题, 比如门窗锁, 明亮的走廊, 明亮的街道.
    • 请致电612与社区预防犯罪/外汇局联络.673.3015查询社区犯罪信息.
    • 白天和晚上都可以开车穿过这个地区.
  • 房东
    • 不要低估第一印象的重要性. 你给人的印象可能决定你能否得到那套公寓. 但请记住, first impressions go both ways; listen to your instincts before doing business with an unfamiliar person. 最重要的是,问问题,做调查
  • Tenant-Landlord关系
    Resources are available should you need assistance in relations with your landlord.


MCAD recommends that all students living on or off campus have personal property insurance. 财产/租房者的保险往往是非常实惠和值得的. 如果适用的话, check with your family’s homeowners insurance to see if you can add a property insurance rider at a low cost.


住房问题? 电子邮件 housing@aufreerun.com.