插图 | Minneapolis College of Art and Design-欧洲杯外围竞猜


Storytelling Power

MCAD’s 插图 majors express ideas through powerful, innovative images that entertain, 通知, 唤起情感. 传统媒体, 数字知识, and conceptual thinking are the building blocks of the illustration experience at MCAD. 就像你一样, these students are makers, 思想家, 设计师, 合作者, and artists eager to use their work to draw in and engage others–in a way that only they can tell the story. 


Hear about the student experience

As an 插图 major, you will:

  • Sharpen your technical and conceptual illustration skills.
  • Explore traditional and nontraditional forms of illustration.
  • Become fluent with the latest technology.
  • Develop concepts into patterns and surface design.
  • Learn to clearly communicate ideas and tell stories.
  • Prepare for a professional career in illustration.
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This Bachelor of 美术 program emphasizes a collaborative process of working on teams with students from all MCAD majors. Required classes include: 

  • Introduction to 插图
  • Tools of the Trade
  • Digital 插图
  • Professional Practice
  • Introduction to Art and Design 历史


There are many paths to explore with a degree in 插图. Potential careers include:

  • 书的插画家
  • 漫画插画家
  • Fashion Illustrator
  • 概念艺术家
  • 平面设计师

"插图 was an easy choice when I realized how many things were under its umbrella: product design, 儿童书籍, editorial illustration, 等等....... Being someone that's always had interest in different things, illustration was a perfect fit." –Megan Leitschuh ’13, 产品设计er at Animal Adventure