创新创业 | Minneapolis College of Art and Design-欧洲杯外围竞猜


Emboldening Creatives to Transform Businesses


艺术家, 设计师, and business leaders need creativity, 想象力, and technical skills to make an impact. Creative practices are increasingly contributing to the overall economy, 有意义的工作, 可持续性工作, 创新企业. 增加真正的价值, 创意人员需要解决经济问题, 环境, and 社会 complexities emerging from globalization. The growth of jobs in sustainability and mission-driven businesses calls for leaders who are adaptable, 协作, 创新, 和行动导向的. 

在这个节目中, students get hands-on experience to develop their creative and entrepreneurial skills. 使用团队和协作, they gain the confidence to apply creativity to a project or business with transformative economic, 社会, 以及环境结果. As MCAD's only Bachelor of Science degree, and the region's only art and design college with this type of major, the offers opportunities to work on real client or community-based projects. It’s also the first in the nation to offer a concentration in climate entrepreneurship, an exciting practice of engaging stakeholders, 完善他们的设计, demonstrating success in the market, and then deploying solutions for greater global impact. 




MCAD is excited to offer a new 双学位 Program where students can earn a BS in 创新创业 and an MA in 可持续设计 over 11 semesters.

Students enrolled in the 创新创业 undergraduate major who are accepted into the program take 15 credits (5 courses) in the 可持续设计 graduate program during junior and senior years. Following graduation from the undergraduate program, students move seamlessly into the masters program, completing an additional 15 credits (5 courses) over three semesters in order to earn the advanced degree. 


As a 创新创业 major, you will:

  • Develop your creative practice(s) along with proficiency in marketable skills, such as business ideation and development, 设计思考, 项目管理, futurecasting, 创造性领导.
  • Hone creative and critical skills to work independently and 协作ly. 
  • Experience working with external clients on local and global projects, 获得跨文化洞察力, and developing a professional network and portfolio.
  • Apply tools and methods to build long-term economic sustainability that balance the needs of people, 地球, 和利润. 
  • 运用系统思维, 设计思考, and human-centered service design to create solutions for complex local and global problems.
  • Gain skills and experience to start a business venture, or work as a creative professional in the nonprofit or private sector.
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Many of the Bachelor of Science program courses use a teamwork approach to simulate real working environments, and include problem solving and product development with external clients. 过去的客户包括塔吉特(Target), 红翼鞋, 湖街委员会, 以及其他公司, 非营利性的, 创业伙伴. 


  • 说服与营销 
  • 构思与过程
  • 创意经济
  • Self-Employment and Creating a Business
  • 资助创意企业 
  • 项目管理 
  • 设计可持续发展的未来



There are many paths to explore with a degree in 创新创业.


  • Entrepreneur/Creative Business Owner
  • 创意总监
  • 策略师
  • 客户经理
  • 项目经理
  • 用户体验(UX)专家
  • 经验/事件设计师 
  • 视频制作编辑/制作人


"The ES Program helped advance my artistic practice by fostering my entrepreneurial spirit. We designed solutions that were unique and impactful for our clients and for the communities we designed within." Justin Lees ‘23, Videographer and Product Engineer at Apple Inc.